
ExpiredFROM THE SKIN Glutathione Collagen Peel Off Mask 34% Off!

$15.84 $24 바로구매
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From the Skin is a Korean brand that embodies the perfect blend of traditional Korean beauty values and modern skin science, and they’re offering 34% off on their Glutathione Collagen Peel Off Mask. This peel-off mask is crafted to rejuvenate skin, and enhance skin elements to reduce wrinkles, improve skin clarity and density. This is an exclusive Prime discount. Promotion runs from 2/5 until 2/14.

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FROM THE SKIN Glutathione Collagen Peel Off Mask 34% Off!

Glutathione Collagen Peel Off Mask HOT

Enriched with 700ppm Glutathione and 300 Da Collagen. Luxury spa experience at home!
$15.84$24 Buy Now

Amazon Review Highlight

Amazon.com / Amazon.com

Review Highlight:

“This peel off mask is great for refreshing your face. It is easy to use and my face feels hydrated and soft afterwards. It is a Korean brand product which to me typically means a high quality product made with good pure ingredients. Considering the quality of the mask I think it’s a good value as well.” – Sun Y

“The applicator is cool with the built in spatula. Easy to apply but did use my smaller spatula to even the coverage in the smaller areas of my face. It dried and was easy to peel off in less than 20 minutes. Skin feels firmer and looks brighter.” – Parker-Moore and Family

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모두바는 미국 생활과 쇼핑을 더 쉽고 편리하게 하기 위한 알찬 정보로 채워나가는 공간입니다. 핫딜/세일정보 외에도 쿠폰, 로컬 정보미국생활에 대한 팁을 제공하는 라이프 스타일 가이드로서 현재 미국 내 가장 큰 한인 커뮤니티 중 하나로 급성장하고 있습니다. 모두바와 함께 스마트한 미국생활을 시작하세요!

FROM THE SKIN Glutathione Collagen Peel Off Mask 34% Off!
FROM THE SKIN Glutathione Collagen Peel Off Mask 34% Off!
$15.84 $24
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